Fake Lashes... a topic or makeup product that literally has driven me wild as it costs so much nerves and patience until you get it right when you are as impatient as me, haha. After saying goodbye to my lash extensions (and of course missing them to bits) I thought I´d start reaching for fake lashes for nights out as they literally make such a...
I can´t remember when I last stood outside enjoying the warmth of the sun, which isn´t not good as I like to keep my summer tan as long as possible, haha. I naturally am very pale so I love every single product that can help me look a bit more bronzed and are easy to use. Unfortunately bronzing products can really easily have an orange undertone...
Christmas is coming closer and so it was definitely time to treat myself to some infamous Lush Christmas bath bombs. I´m a huge lover of taking a nice hot bath when it gets colder and the only thing to make that even more cosier is to throw a bath bomb in too. To be honest I was really struggling to not spend a small fortune on them but in the...
My hair has always been very thick, quite wavy and more on the dry side, so it´s taken me quite a while to find a good selection of hair products that transforms my hair into a shiny, lighter and easier to style state. I always thought I could get along with those cheaper drugstore products but that quickly changed when I once tried the more expensive...
Ever since I started updating my blog more frequently, more and more amazing opportunities started landing in my inbox. That´s when I thought it was the right time to also start reaching out to brands I´d love to work with. Of course from my side it was important that the brands I worked with had products to offer that I´m hopefully going to enjoy...
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