My hair has always been very thick, quite wavy and more on the dry side, so it´s taken me quite a while to find a good selection of hair products that transforms my hair into a shiny, lighter and easier to style state. I always thought I could get along with those cheaper drugstore products but that quickly changed when I once tried the more expensive products and instantly saw and felt a huge difference.
After washing it out you continue with using shampoo and conditioner, the real effect is noticeable after drying your hair. Mine was after the first treatment already a lot more shiny and more bouncy. I use it once a week which is perfectly fine. Of course the smell of both of them is sooo nice too.
Maui Moisture Shampoo
The first "more expensive" hair care product I invested in was the Maui Moisture Shampoo. I´ve been through three different versions - the pink, green and blue one - and all have been absolute hits. Not only do they smell heavenly but they also give my scalp so much moisture and hydration that I can easily wash my hair after three days instead of after two days. You really don´t need a lot and it´s so easy to spread and work in as this shampoo doesn´t get too foamy. I generally look for shampoos that give me hydration and volume and this brand is just perfect for it, not too heavy but still keeps my scalp healthy and moisturized.
HASK (Deep) Conditioner
For my lengths I need a conditioner that gives me even more hydration as my thick hair tends to get dry and coarse so easily. To achieve shiny lengths I use the condtioners from HASK, so far I´ve tried the Argan Oil and the Keratin Oil version and both have given my hair a lot of strength and moisture so that even after styling them with heat they are still soft. When my hair needs some extra care, for example when I´m on holiday, I also love to use their deep conditioner, they come in handy pouches so they are easy to travel with. They also smell really nice and you only need a small amount to already feel a difference.Pomelo & Co. Hair Masks
I´ve never been a huge hair mask fan, until I came across this brand. Oh my god it works wonders! Before I bought these masks I saw them all over Instagram and thought well it´s just another hair mask but it´s just soooo much better. They are really easy to use, you put them in the fridge 10 minutes before using it, and then all you need is a table spoon-sized amount massaged into your dry lengths and that´s it. It says to leave it in for atleast 15 minutes, but as I put it into my dry hair I leave the mask in for easily a few hours with my hair up in a bun. The forumla is quite oily but it dries down really fast so you don´t have to worry about getting anything onto your bedding or cushions.After washing it out you continue with using shampoo and conditioner, the real effect is noticeable after drying your hair. Mine was after the first treatment already a lot more shiny and more bouncy. I use it once a week which is perfectly fine. Of course the smell of both of them is sooo nice too.
This hair oil is an older favourite of mine but I´m already on my third bottle and could never ever live without it again. Ever since using it my hair has been so soft it´s just amazing. I use two pumps of it into my towel-dried hair, before blow drying them and not only is the process of getting my hair dry so much faster but as I said they just feel so much softer and are far less frizzy.
I do have one "bad" thing to say about it, I feel like they could make slightly bigger bottles. They get empty so fast when a second or third person is also using it, on the other hand it´s really handy to travel but a bigger size would still be quite nice haha.
The oil sinks in really fast and you can´t see it at all when my hair is dry. I normally don´t like oils as they tend to make my hair heavy or greasy looking but this isn´t noticeable at all.
I do have one "bad" thing to say about it, I feel like they could make slightly bigger bottles. They get empty so fast when a second or third person is also using it, on the other hand it´s really handy to travel but a bigger size would still be quite nice haha.
The oil sinks in really fast and you can´t see it at all when my hair is dry. I normally don´t like oils as they tend to make my hair heavy or greasy looking but this isn´t noticeable at all.
GHD Heat Protect Spray
And last, a product that really everyone should use is the GHD Heat Protection Spray.
I love to style my dair nearly every day so a heat protection is definitely necessary. This one from GHD not only smells really good, it also sinks in fast, doesn´t feel heavy and it definitely protects my hair really good. Like I can actually feel a difference after styling my hair, as they still feel soft even when I´ve just curled them with a straightener (we all know how hot hair feels after styling them that way, haha). A huge plus I just have to mention is that it has a wide spray circle, like with two pumps I reach all of my hair as the product itselfs doesn´t only spread into one direction.
Again this is already my third or fourth bottle and so worth it.