
A Beginners Guide to Fake Lashes

Fake Lashes... a topic or makeup product that literally has driven me wild as it costs so much nerves and patience until you get it right when you are as impatient as me, haha.
After saying goodbye to my lash extensions (and of course missing them to bits) I thought I´d start reaching for fake lashes for nights out as they literally make such a huge difference to my whole appearance. Well it always seemed easier watching other girls putting them on, when I did it, it felt like an impossible task.
First off I can say that it really takes some practice before you master it perfectly and have those falsies on in two minutes, but in collaboration with FalseEyelashes I´ve put together some tips that have helped me a lot:

Start Simple

Of course those long fluttery lashes are way prettier than those short natural ones but trust me, when you have no idea how to stick those lashes on or where to hold onto them with your tweezers, it makes the whole thing easier when you don´t have long lashes in your way. FalseEyelashes.co.uk is literaly the perfect shop to look through when deciding what lashes you want to start with! They have a huge selection of different brands and styles together with every additional product you need such as tweezers and glue. My personal favourite brand is KISS, they are really easy to apply and the glue that comes with the lashes is absolutey amazing - it´s really strong and so you don´t need to worry about the lashes coming off. I started with their Tulip lashes as I always found long lashes very irritating in the beginning cause I was more worried to not bend them over too much or break them. Other than that when you´re wearing falsies for the first time it´s something you have to get used to as you can lightly feel and depending on the length, you can also see them and of course you look a bit different and too long lashes could be uncomfortable and we don´t want all the work to be done for nothing cause you don´t like the way they look.
So start simple and then build it up to more dramatic lashes.

Fit Them To The Size Of Your Eyes 

I think this step could easily be forgotten but most of the times the fake lashes are too long for your own eyes so basically all you have to do is put them on your lash line without the glue and see how much you can cut off. Some cut the outer part off but I actually prefer to shorten them on the inner part as I´d rather keep those longer outer lashes than the short inner ones. This step is the easiest as you can´t do much wrong, if you cut a bit too much off it´s barely visible after putting on mascara.

Cut Them In Halves

This was the tip that changed absolutely everything for me.
I never managed to make the whole lash band stick at once as I never met the middle of my eye with it so it was always too short or not right on one end. By cutting the lash band into halves it got a lot easier. After I fit the band to the size of my eye I count the points on the band and cut them through in the middle. I often also only stick on the outer part as this can give you a more cat-eye effect.

Wait For The Glue To Dry

This one is a really simple tip but so important as when you try to glue the lashes on too soon you will make an absolute mess on your eye lids and when it´s too late they won´t stick properly.
So what I do is put a fair amount of glue on the band, when it´s frehsly on it´s pure white and as soon as it gets slightly clearer and more see through I´ll stick it on. This way they will already stick but you can still move them and pull them into their right place. In the beginning I always waited exactly 30 seconds but to be honest it always depends on the glue and the amount you put on so just watch closely and you will see what I mean by getting more clearer.
Alternative you can also use black lash glue as this will blend more easily with your eyeliner, in case you´re wearing one, but I find that way it´s a bit harder to see when is the right time to put on.

Select The Right Brand For You

There are an unbelievable amount of different brands that all have gorgeous falsies to offer but still they are all slightly, whether it be in the quality or the thickness of the lash band, etc. I always thought I´d get on with the Ardell Lashes just like everyone else, but I find them so much harder to put on then compared to KISS Lashes. Not a lot drugstores sell different fake lash brands so I really recommend looking through FalseEyelashes.co.uk - I received absolute beautiful and natural lashes from Eylure which I´m really excited to try. I would have no idea where to get this brand from here in Germany, so it´s really cool that you can not only get many different things from one shop but also discover new brands and styles.

Once you get the hang of it, I promise you are going to want to wear falsies everyday haha. They make such a huge positive difference and make every makeup look a whole lot prettier.

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