
How You Can Easily Support your Favourite Bloggers

Blogging Community
The Blogger Community is steadily growing, means it´s getting harder to stand out of the huge mass of other amazing bloggers. The only way to grow is to being supported by your readers, so if you are one of them, I wrote together some really quick and easy tips on how you can support your favourite bloggers...

Love on Bloglovin

This one is definitely the easiest and fastes option to support a blogger you like.
I try to do it as often as possible, actually always after I read a post I press the heart button. It´s such a small gesture, but actually helps so much, as the post will pop up in other feeds and so spreads the post to many more readers.
I can only speak from my persepctive, but I feel so appreciated when someone "loves" my post :)

Retweet on Twitter

Again a really simple thing to do.
We all promote our posts on social media, especially Twitter as it reaches the most people on there, so if you see that your favourite blogger has shared their post, hit retweet and share with your followers what you´re loving to read.
It doesn´t matter how many followers you have, so please don´t feel like it doesn´t matter if you don´t retweet. A few more readers on a blog is always lovely!

Comment on Instagram

If you haven´t noticed yet, Instagram has changed it´s algorithm a long time ago and so doesn´t show pictures in their chronical order but just randomly. Doesn´t sound too bad yet, but the problem is that some posts just get lost and that is just horrible for every blogger. I, personally, don´t always have a problem but I see bigger bloggers who get barely any likes which is sad cause that way we will get tired of Instagram and use it less and less. Well the point is though, comment on your favourites posts! We barely get any engagement so even a short, lovely picture, is already really appreciated and makes Instagram atleast a bit fun, haha.

Use affiliate Links

This tip is mostly important for those bloggers who earn their money out of their blog.
But first what are affiliate links? Well if you scroll up a bit you will see my wishlist slider, and if you press on a product in there, you´ll be directed to an online shop and I´ll get a small amount of money from that, if you purchase something through the link, I´ll get more money and so on. So if you see either a wishlist, or a little advert on a blog, a simple click on it is enough to already help a lot!

How do you support your favourite bloggers?

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