The blog interviews are back! Whooo :) and this time I got the opportunity to interview the very lovely lady of Lipgloss & Lashes Becky :)
I´m absolutely in love with her blog, beginning from her pastel, girly photos to her writing, which is always on point, whether her topic choices or her writing style which will literally make you want to keep reading and reading.
Here´s the interview:
1.Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging towards the end of my second year of University. I´d almost finished my exams and found myself with a lot of time on my hands, so I decided to do something productive. I´d been obsessed with reading beauty blogs and watching YouTube videos for a while and one night I decided to give it a shot and well, here we are today! Admittedly, I didn´t have a clue what I was doing when I first started, and to this day I still wish I´d done a bit more research and chosen a better blog name before jumping straight in!
2.What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I think my favourite thing about blogging is meeting likeminded people. When I first started blogging I was the only one of my close friends who was obsessed with makeup. Don´t get me wrong; they loved a good lipstick as much as the next person, but they weren´t as in to beauty as I was, so finding other bloggers with the same interests as me has been wonderful. I´ve made some amazing friends through blogging and it definitely makes some of the negativity I receive worthwile!
3.What keeps you going when you´re on a writing block?
When I´ve got bloggers block I love to get inspiration from other bloggers. I usually head straight to Pinterest and also use the "find blogs" button on Bloglovin´ and see what other people have been publishing. I by no means just copy their content, but seeing other bloggers publish great content is definitely the kick up the bum I need sometimes to get my brain back in to gear. I´m always looking for new bloggers to follow, I find that sometimes new bloggers have something different and original to offer, so taking inspiration from them also helps me out when I fall into a bit of a rut.
4.One beauty tip you´re glad you listened to?
When I was younger, I was only allowed to wear makeup if I removed it properly every night before bed, and that´s something that has definitely stuck with me - and when I say remove properly, I mean cleans, tone, moisturize. It´s not really a little known tip, but it´s one I´ve always stuck to and I find taht it benefits my skin greatly. Also, looking after your skin will provide you with a better base to apply your makeup on, so it´s a win win really.
5.Favourite makeup trend from the last 5 years?
I´d have to say the whole "pink makeup" trend, if that even counts? I feel taht for some years pink makeup was looked down upon for being "too girly" or "too young" but pink is a colour which really suits me and it´s one of my favourite to wear (Lovelorn lipstick by MAC will forever be my favourite) so I´m glad that it´s now made a comeback and everyone now appreciates a good pinky nude.
6.Favourite makeup brand?
Hmm, now this is a tough one! At the moment, I´d have to say Too Faced. Their products are simply stunning, and their packaging is to die for. I haven´t had the opportunity to try a lot from the brand, but the bits that I have tried have quickly become some of my most used products. I particularly loke how they also cater for much paler skin tones, I´ve never had a problem getting a shade light enough, and their Milk Chocolate Soliel Bronzer is every pale girls dream.
7.What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
The number 1 thing on my bucket list is a road trip around America. Before I die, I´d like to take a year out and road trip to every state in America. There´s 50 states, if I´m correct, so that leaves me a week to spend in each state, and two weeks for travelling - as you can tell, I´ve been thinking about this for some time! I´d also really like to go to Italy, I have been before so I´m not sure that this one counts, but I was only young and didn´t get the chance to properly appreciate it. I´d love to go and see some of the ancient architecture and of course, eat my bodyweight in Italian food! And lastly, I´d really love to visit Alcatraz. I´m not sure if I´ll ever get to do this as I heard somewhere that they no long let visitors in, but I find the whole thing so interesting. I know I´m probably making myself sound a bit creepy now haha, but I love watching TV shows about prison and people trying to escape from Alcatraz, and all of the famous criminals it housed, so I´d love to be able to go and see it myself.
8.Anything you´re still looking forward to in 2015?
I´ve actually just finished my degree at University, so now I´m really looking forward to Graduation (although I´ll have to wait until November for that!) and seeing where life takes me now that I´m about to enter the big wide world of work. I´m hoping to move to London this year too, so I´m definitely looking forward to that.
9.Favourite selfie pose? ;)
Everyone knows I love a good Selfie, and if you look at my pictures you´ll see that I´m doing the same pose in every single one! It´s hard to explain but I like to hold the camera up above my head and look up into the camera, I find that this hides my giant forehead the best haha!
That was a interesting (and long) interview, wasn´t it? :)
Please give her blog a visit and I bet you´ll love it as much as I do!