
A Beginners Guide For Driving Traffic To Your Blog Using Pinterest

Pinterest is a great platform to drive traffic to your blog, if you know how to use it right.
I´ve been struggling with it for the longest time, but since I have found a few tips and tricks that actually worked, rich pins is definitely not one of those, I got the point where Pinterest is my main blog traffic source, even though I don´t have a lot of followers on there.
I put together the few really easy tips that helped me and I really hope they will make as much of a difference for your blog as it did for mine...

Vertical instead of Horizontal Pictures

You might ask yourself how this does any difference, but it is explained pretty simple. 
Pinterest prefers vertical pictures instead of horizontal ones, and so those long ones are often shown a lot bigger than wide pictures and if you are being honest with your self, you look at big pictures a lot more often than small ones. 
Since I´ve been trying to follow that rule and sometimes even take one vertical pictures that is just for Pinterest then, my images get re-pinned more frequently and so direct more people to my blog.

Add the Link to the Post

Let´s be honest, we are all pretty lazy and definitely won´t search for a blog post through google just because we liked the image of it on Pinterest. I guarantee you no one will ever do that. So you should definitely add the link to the post that the picture is from. To do so you simply click on the picture, then on the pen in the left corner and then you simply paste the link in and save, that way every time someone clicks on the picture they will automatically be directed to your blog post.

Turn it into a Business Account

Turning your Pinterest into a business account won´t automatically drive lots of traffic to your blog, as there isn´t a obvious difference for other pinners. What it does for you, is that you can see at which time your pins are viewed or re-pined the most which will help you then decided on when to pin your pictures the best. Here is the website to turn your Pinterest Account into a Business Account.

Join Blogger Group Boards + Chats

The only way to really get a lot of views on your blog is to being promoted through other bloggers and to make that happen on Pinterest, you should join Blogger Group Boards. They are pretty easy to find and most of the time you only need to contact the admin and get an invite to join the Board :) 
The girls who also post on these boards are really nice and will often re-pin a nice picture!

Feel free to ask me anything about using Pinterest for your Blog Traffic and I´ll do my best to help you :)

Don´t forget to follow me on: BLOGLOVIN | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | PINTEREST
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