Christmas is over again and that´s when it´s time to be extra nosey about who got what for christmas. I love these kinds of post, not only because of seeing what you all got, but also because then my wishlist gets a whole lot longer. Bad for my bank balance, but oh well haha :)
So before I start I just wanted to say a massive thank you to my family and friends for spoiling me and I really hope they liked their presents aswell :). I don´t want to show off anything by doing this.
I got little bits and bobs of everything. A big Mug for following cosy pamper nights with loads of hot chocolate. The Real Techniques Core Collection Brush Set, I have wanted this one for such a long time since everyone seemed to love the buffing brush and the other 3 brushes will definitely find a good use :) Another beloved product in the blogger world is the MAC Pro Longwear Concealer, I have tried many drugstore concealers and no one seems to work for me so I´m really excited to try this one.
Some facemasks (raspberry/vanilla & peel-off) that fit perfectly for that time of the year when my skin decides to get dry. Some bathing salt to pour into my bath and get it all nice and good smelling. Then a really moisturizing, vanilla-raspberry-yoguhrt smelling shower gel and also three little bath bombs, two that smell really strong like strawberrys and a cupcake looking one :) A good pamper night is guaranteed!
It isn´t a complete christmas without getting christmassy Lush bath bombs. My sister got me Dashing Santa and Butterball, fits perfectly since I run out of bath bombs and needed some refillers haha :) You could describe my skin as a typical teenager skin probably, pores, pimples and blemishes and to get rid of them I wanted to use a face mask that actually does something for me. I saw Zoella use the Origin Clear Improvement Mask so I thought I wanted to give it a try :)
and now to the luxurious gift I received from my mum and dad which I´m really really grateful about! It´s the Chloé Love Story Perfume. I absolutely love the smell of it, I can´t really describe it but it smells feminine, is really strong and lasts for ages. I´ve always wanted a signature smell everyone can recognize me by and this is definitely the one. It is quite expensive but so worth it :)
Hope you had a really festive christmas and let me know what you got for Christmas?