With me being in my last year off school, it can get really stressful, having to prepare for upcoming exams, studying meanwhile for every other subject and doing homework almost everyday until late noon is hard sometimes but I find my escape in blogging.
While blogging I can be myself and share my passion and love with other people who understand me, so it´s very important to me to find some time inbetween my "normal" schedule, afterall blogging is still a hobby which is there to relax me and make me happy.
I just love the whole progress, from taking and editing the pictures to writing up the posts and sharing them on social media afterwards.
Not only is it my escape from the daily life but you also meet soo many lovely people you can just have a chat with every now and then.
I´m pretty sure I´m not the only one who is in the same or a similar situation so I wanted to tell you how I try to balance school and blogging!
Organisation is the key! Take a small notebook or a list and write everything down you have to do this week. Prepare tasks as soon as you can and don´t just push it until the next day, it will just get more and more and you will just get overwhelmed with work which won´t get you anywhere
Don´t forget to have fun
Don´t see blogging as something you have to do because otherwise you let your readers down, your blog is your hobby, it should be fun and should be a place where you can let all your creativity and passion free. Post what make you happy and everything else will come along.
Don´t overwork yourself
Don´t even try to prepare for a exam the same week and try desperately to get some posts up, it won´t end well, whether the grades will show that or you won´t be happy with your posts in the end. I have tried it before and I really didn´t like the results. Write ahead if you feel better but don´t do everything at once and just...
Don´t worry if you miss a month of blogging, post whenever you have time and when your life isn´t that hectic anymore. I always try to use every free time I have to write and take photos, not only will I feel like I accomplished something but also I feel really proud of my work.
That are the things I always try to keep in my head when I feel overwhelmed with school and still want to blog.
How do you keep the balance between blogging and school/work?