
17 Blog Post Ideas for Christmas

(Credit: christmas-snowflake.tumblr.com)
Christmas is as good as right around the corner and I´m more than excited for that. I can already smell those freshly baked christmas cookies and hear all the christmas carols that are gonna be played on the radio. Aaaah it´s the best time of the year for a reason!
I, personally love having my feed full of christmas themed blog post and I will try my best, to post as many christmas themed blog posts as possible this year.

I thought I would make a small list of every christmas themed post idea I came up with:

>Christmas Gift Guides (Him, Her, Kids, Pets, ...)
>Ugly Christmas Sweater Collection
>Cookies and Treats Recipes
>What You Got For Christmas
>Christmas Morning Routine
>New Years Eve Outfit Ideas
>Favourite Christmas Movies, Songs, etc.
>Last Minute Gift Ideas
>Christmas Hauls (Lush, Candles, ...)
>Christmas Traditions
>Christmas Tag
>Favourite Products of the Year
>Your Christmas Decorations
>What was in your Advent Calendar
>Your Wishlist
>Your Christmas Playlist
>The Night before Christmas

My plan is to actually do every post I listed but let´s see how it will turn out, haha!
I really hope I could get you inspired!

Let us know what your christmas themed blog post will be about :)

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