Credit: Internet Etiquette | ruemag.com | via Bloglovin
How you may have noticed I´ve been missing from this website for nearly 2 months, and that has only one simple reason WRITER`S BLOCK.
I did some research and found a pretty good explanation on good old Urban Dictionary, for the word Writer´s Block:
A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing!
I find this explains it perfectly!
I remember me just feeling empty, like I didn´t have any desire to take blog pictures or even write a blog post. I did came up with some ideas but after a while of trying to think about how I imagine the whole post to look like, the idea itself started to sound boring and not very interesting to me.
In this time I also felt like I was put under a lot of pressure, which when I think about it now was mainly pointless pressure that I came up with myself.
I thought I had to post something and since there a quite a few of you now who are following and reading this blog, I thought that I was letting you all down.
I decided to just relax and kinda forget about my blog over my summer holidays and try to do other things, like traveling with my family, hanging out with friends, sleeping in just the normal stuff .
After a while I strolled through Bloglovin and Pinterest more often and some ideas actually came flooding in that appealed to my blog and felt fun again, so I tried to take pictures to those ideas and I liked them. Getting back into actually writing those posts feels harder for me though. The words are literally missing from my head, like I do know what I want to say but I don´t know HOW to do it and so I sometimes just sit there with the Blogger Post page open and just stare at the screen and eventually turn my laptop off and try it again in a few days.
Now I am here though, charged with new motivation, some new posts already written and ready to be posted and loads of other ideas to keep my well loved blog going.
Let´s see how long this motivation will last this time.
I can´t really give you any tips. The only way to really get back into writing is to take much time you need and just surround yourself with stuff that inspires you.
Tell me about your experience with writer´s block! :)